الثلاثاء، 1 يوليو 2014

the case tractor models Puma 190 and 210 HP

سأكمل إن شاء الله شرح جرار الكيس من موديلات بوما 190 و210 حصان وهذه صور توضح مقدمة الشرح 
 I will continue to explain the case  tractor models Puma 190 and 210 HP and these images illustrate Introduction Explanation

الاثنين، 5 مايو 2014

x-core in Rooms barley cultivar Irrigation

x-core in Rooms barley cultivar Irrigation

لوحة التحكم فى الرى فى غرف الشعير المستنبت x-core

الشعير المستنبت رائع ومفيد جدا ومعلوماته لدى مجانا لمن يحتاجها فليتصل بى

Treasure of cultural and historical information

الشعير المستنبت رائع ومفيد جدا ومعلوماته لدى مجانا لمن يحتاجها فليتصل بى

Treasure of cultural and historical information

الشعير المستنبت رائع ومفيد جدا ومعلوماته لدى مجانا لمن يحتاجها فليتصل بى

Treasure of cultural and historical information

الأربعاء، 30 أبريل 2014

Charge Pump Components in tractor

Charge Pump Components
1. End Plate                                         10. Plug
2. ‘O’ Ring                                              11. System Relief Valve (245 bar)
3. Coupling                                              12. Plug
4. Driveshaft                                              13. ‘O’ Ring
5. Outer Rotor                                               14. Charge Filter Dump Valve (6 bar)
6. Charge Pump Housing                                  15. Main Charge Filter
7. Seal  16. Inner Rotor
8. Pin  17. Rotor Drive Key
9. Hub  18. End Plate Screws

الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2013

Differentials part p3

Limited Slip Differential

This differential lock device is totally automatic. It does not require any type of manual 
operation and significantly reduces (but does not completely eliminate) wheel 
The difference in speed, between the sun gears and the differential casing when a  
 wheel begins to slip as a result of grip loss, is impeded by clutch assemblies that are 
compressed by axial thrusts from the bevel drive torque transmitted to the sun gears
 by means
of the teeth on the two planet gears.
1.Sun gear              2.Pin       3.Half Casing       4.Differential Pin      5.Half Casing

6.Sun Gear                   7.Planet gear           8.Thrust washer    9.Bolt

Z. Friction plates

Dog Clutch Differential Lock:
With diff lock disengaged no oil pressure is supplied, spring keeps the dog clutch 
 teeth apart, 

oil can return to sump.

When the diff lock switch is activated the solenoid valve opens supplying low 
pressure circuit 
to the piston, overcoming the spring locking the differential.
Multi-Plate Differential Lock:
Actuated from Low Pressure Circuit Oil - via solenoid valve. 

Terra lock control for automatic dis-engage and re-engagement.

1-  Steering angle.
2-  Brake operation.
3-  Steering angle and speed.
4-  Fast raise/lower switch position.
 6 drive discs and 6 driven discs
Assemble side gears, pivot pins and retaining pins.

Place the side gear (3) complete with a test shim (2) on tool no. 293986 (1).

Assemble the side gear and attached tool no. 293986 on the differential casing, place

 the  crown wheel above it and fix the crown wheel with three bolts (4). Turn the 

 assembly to settle.

Place a dial test indicator gauge with the stylus on the tool screw (5), press the tool 

and set gauge to zero.

Pull the tool (6) upwards and read the travel (H) on the gauge.

befor you can read  part 1 -2

الخميس، 19 ديسمبر 2013

Differentials part 2

الجهاز الفرقى الجزء 2
In this example we can now see a complete differential and crownwheel.  The bevel pinions (sun gears) are mounted within the differential cage. Power is transmitted from the crownwheel through the differential cage which in turn rotates the bevel pinions and  half shafts as a complete fixed unit when driving in a straight line.
As the vehicle travels round a bend the bevel pinions are free to spin on their axes to allow for the individual half shafts to decrease and increase in speed. As the half shaft driving the inner wheel reduces in speed the outer wheel half shaft will increase in speed as the distance required to travel round the bend will be higher.
The Crownwheel will allways rotate at an average of the two half shaft speeds
1. Thrust washer
2. Planet gear
3. Planet gear shaft
4. Sun gear (side gear)
5. Thrust washer / shim
6. Differential cage

Differentials الجهاز الفرقى

جهاز تحويل الحركة الدورانية الأفقية إلى رأسية متعامدة عليها
Differential Operation

If both drive shafts are travelling at the same speed the bevel pinions will not be turning on their axes. The bevel pinions will simply rotate with the bevel gears. This can be best explained by imagining the bevel gears an bevel pinons have been welded together
If one half shaft is stopped the bevel pinions will start turning on their axes and begin orbiting around the stationary bevel gear at the same time providing drive out through the other half shaft.
Although necessary for cornering differentials have a major drawback within agricultural applications in that should one wheel begin to spin freely then the remaining drive wheel will stop rotating (as shown above) and the vehicle becomes stationary.  For this reason it is necessary to have a differential that limits the amount of wheel slip. Such differentials are referred to as limited slip differentials.
 An alternative solution commonly found within agricultural machines is to introduce a locking mechanism that will lock the complete differential
wait part 2

الثلاثاء، 17 ديسمبر 2013

pto in tractor p2

(1) Input from engine crankshaft via Duplex chain & sprockets
(2) Piston Brake
(3) Lubrication & return oil pumps
(4) Output shaft 1000 rpm (Clockwise from seat)
(5) Oil return to transmission sump
(6) Oil supply (from tractor Low Pressure circuit)
(7) Control Solenoid
NH RM 31 - 3
CIH RM 6011
PTO Engaged
(1)   Solenoid Valve (Diverter type NOT On / Off)
       (Energised - oil to clutch)
(2)   Lubrication pump
(3)   Engagement orifice (restricts and controls engagement oil)
(4)   Brake (released)
(5)   Clutch piston (applied)
(6)   Clutch plates (clamped)
(7)   Lubrication relief valve
(8)   Input shaft
(9)   Oil Reservoir / Sump
(10) Lubrication pump suction pipe
(11) Scavenging pump suction pipe
(12) Output shaft
(13) Check valve (held shut by clutch applying pressure)
(14) Scavenging pump (returning excess reservoir oil)
PTO Disengaged
(1)   Solenoid Valve (Diverter type NOT cut off)
       (Power off - oil to brake)
(2)   Lubrication pump
(3)   Engagement orifice
(4)   Brake (applied)
       (orifice allows oil leakage to lubricate brake and replenish sump oil)
(5)   Clutch piston (released)
(6)   Clutch plates (free)
(7)   Lubrication relief valve
(8)   Input shaft
(9)   Oil Reservoir / Sump
(10) Lubrication pump suction pipe
(11) Scavenging pump suction pipe
(12) Output shaft
(13) Check valve (open allowing faster dis-engagement)
(14) Scavenging pump (returning excess reservoir oil)

DISC soil tillage machine دسك جوندير john deere

DISC soil tillage machine:DISC divided into  chassis holds it drives plowing and smoothing and the calf and the hoses hydraulic and systematic hydraulic   and Chassis too heavy to ensure the depth of plowing good depth of good soil and needs DISC  who is in the picture for the tractor at least its 225 horse where needed DISC to the ability of high tensile because of the weight and depth of plowing any soil resistance discs back plow , a circular concave smooth very sharp and heavy TO delves into the soil and radius varies by  DISC from 25 cm to 35 or 45 and metastatic 35 and 25 cm , a heavy- CD- smoothing and are in the front , a smooth and with the same diameter discs plowing the front but serrated on the last disk of the anti-aliasing and cut off any parts of the crop remaining and soften the soil and small stones while large is typically the problems in DISC  and high maintenance , repair and spare parts are very expensive Hydraulic hoses for transmission to the axes of the tractor to lift the disc harrowing drive as the pictures downloaded and also adjusts the depth of plowing the existence of the piston and undocking DISC same chassis and share these hoses at the beginning of DISC b Organizer , which is a joint venture for the distribution of oil on the piston axes all locomotive of the kink in the jars can LONGER and shortened in some species Rubber and known function of a type scheme as in the picture axes mounted with tablets plowing and smoothing At the beginning and  END big nut 46 or 50 to tighten the drive and mounted with cones to save for your love axes drive and tighten the link between each disk and the other  BEARING  : underlying drive to give the movement a circular type of wear and tear with a chair by the  curved and  lubricating  grease should be good all the fat of 50 or a hundred acres tilled

ينقسم الدسك إلى :
1- شاسية يحمل عليه أقراص الحرث والتنعيم والعجل وخراطيم الهيدروليك والمنظم الهيدروليكى والشاسية ثقيل جدا لضمان عمق حرث جيد بعمق جيد للتربة ويحتاج الدسك الذى فى الصورة لجرار لا يقل قدرته عن 225 حصان حيث يحتاج الدسك لقدرة شد عالية بسبب وزنه وعمق الحرث أى مقاومة التربة 
2- أقراص حرث خلفية وهى دائرية مقعرة ملساء lحادة جدا وثقيلة كى تتعمق فى التربة ونصف قطرها يختلف حسب الدسك من 25 سم إلى 35 إى 45 والمنتشر 35 و25 سم وهى ثقيلة 
3- أقراص التنعيم وهى فى الأمام وهى ملساء وبنفس قطر أقراص الحرث الأمامية ولكنها مشرشرة فى أخر القرص للتنعيم وقطع أى أجزاء محصول متبقية وتنعيم التربة والأحجار الصغيرة أما الكبيرة فتؤدى لمشاكل فى الدسك وصيانة عالية وإصلاح وقطع غيار مكلفة جدا 
3- خراطيم هيدروليك لنقل الحركة من الجرار إلى محاور الدسك لرفع الأقراص كما فى الصور وتنزيلها كما يضبط عمق الحرث بوجود بساتم لرفع وتنزيل شاسية الدسك نفسه وتشترك هذه الخراطيم فى بداية الدسك ب
5 -منظم وهو عبارة عن مشترك لتوزيع الزيت على بساتم المحاور جميعها
6- قاطرة للشبك فى الجرار يمكن تطويلها وتقصيرها فى بعض الأنواع
7- الكاوتش ومعروف وظيفتة وهو من النوع المخطط كما فى الصورة
8- محاور مركب عليها أقراص الحرث والتنعيم وفى بدايتها ونههايتها صامولة كبيرة  46  أو 50 لإحكام ربط الأقراص ومركب عليها
9- أقماع لحفظ لحبك محاور الأقراص وإحكام ربطها بين كل قرص والأخر
10- البلى : يرتكز عليها الأقراص لتعطيها الحركة الدائرية وهى من نوع البلى ذات الكرسى  بومبيه وبها مشاحم للتشحيم ولابد من تشحيمها بشحم جيد كل 50 أو مائة فدان حرث 

الاثنين، 16 ديسمبر 2013

PTO in new tractor

Multi-plate dry clutch – Electro-hydraulically actuated mechanically engaged multi-plate dry clutch takes drive straight from the crankshaft pulley. The 1000 rpm PTO is either “on” or “off” there is no modulation.
1. PTO multi-plate dry clutch
2. PTO control housing
3. PTO input shaft
4. Engine crankshaft pulley coupler
5. PTO reduction gearbox
Self Lubrication Gearbox – Fully self contained system, Multiplate clutch electro-hydraulically engaged via a proportional solenoid valve allowing a modulated starting of the 1000 rpm PTO. The PTO is either “on” or “off” there is no modulation. Drive supplied from the engine crankshaft through duplex chain drive and sprockets.
1. Input from engine crankshaft via Duplex chain & sprockets
2. Piston Brake
3. Lubrication & return oil pumps
4. Output shaft 1000 rpm (Clockwise from seat)
5. Oil return to transmission sump
6. Oil supply (from tractor Low Pressure circuit)
7. Control Solenoid
Zuidberg - DIA Kits are available for many products which incorporate smooth PTO start-up with electro-hydraulic proportional valve.

1.Friction discs and steel plates
2.Clutch release bearing
5.Diaphragm spring
Solenoid valve de-energised allowing the oil to return to the reservoir.
The spring (3) pushes the piston (4) out of the housing and pushes the clutch release bearing (2) into the PTO clutch diaphragm spring (5).
Pressure is applied to the diaphragm spring (5)  releasing the force acting on the clutch pressure plate.
The springs in between the friction discs and steel plates (1) expand, allowing the clutch hub to rotate freely within the clutch housing.
Solenoid valve is energised, applying low pressure oil to the piston (4).
Low pressure oil acting against the piston (4), overcomes the piston spring (3), retracting the piston (4) into the housing, releasing the clutch release bearing (2) from the force of the diaphragm spring (5).
The diaphragm spring (5), compresses the springs in between the friction discs and steel plates (1), clamping the friction discs and steel plates (1) together, locking the clutch hub and the clutch housing together.

Oil pressure and return for front PTO via Front brake valve.
1 - Oil return pipe
2 - Oil pressure supply pipe
NOTE: This block must be fitted when the Front PTO option is requested, even if the tractor has not got front brakes.

to be continue 

الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2013

Supersteer in new tractor

As the hubs on the axle turn up to 45º, the axle simultaneously 
articulates up to 20º
giving a total turn angle of 65º. This means the operator can 
 turn tighter and
more quickly at the end of the field.
This results in smaller headlands leading to Less compaction 
and greater productivity.
The SuperSteer system ulitises two large diameter steering rams 
 and two tie rods
which connect the axle hub to the tractor chassis. As the steering ram extends, the tie rod linking the front axle to  the tractor
causes the axle to progressively articulate in the direction of wheel turn.

SuperSteer Axle Components
1. Steering Cylinder
2. Pin
3. Tie Rod
4. Pin
5. Bushing
6. Spacer
7. Support
8. Tube
9. Bushing
10. Support
11. Ring Nut
12. Bushing
13. Support
14. Axle
15. Bracket
16. Retaining Ring