السبت، 27 يوليو 2013

Adjustment of the knotter in big baler 1. Description of the parts

know the different components of the knotter,
explain what the changes for the new BB9000 series vs. the old BBA series,
be able to adjust the knotter
1. Description of the parts
The pinion gear (6) has been poured out of stronger material.

A.New design of knotter frame
B.Reduced twine tension
C.New twine finger
Prevents the twine from slipping during the ejection of the 2nd knot.
In this way, twine tension is locally build up, which eases the ejection of the 2nd Knot.
D.New twine finger spring

E.New billhook

New billhook lip :
-lip is longer + new formed tip
-opening of the billhook from 8 mm to 12 mm
-due to the increased billhook opening, better adjustment possible from the twinedisc in relation to the billhook.
-less knotter problems, because the twine can be grabbed more easily when the billhook is turning.
New formed tip :
-The corner at the end of the tip is sharper vs. The old tip
-This holds the cut twine endsin the billhook for making a strong knot : the twines hit a “wall” which freezes and tightens the knot already inside the billhook.
-With the old billhook, the knots (2nd knot) needed to be tightened more by the slacker arm springs
F.Twineholder with longer bridge
Remark : the old BBA series already had 2 springs, not 3 as shown on the picture. 

G.New billhook cam

G.Knife arm without tail
With a single knotter we need the knife arm to take off the knot and to prevent the twine comes behind the knife arm.  With a double knotter the knife arm is in another position and the twine can not get behind the twine arm
The "angle" was also the cause that the knife arm broke off => the knife arm passes the haydog (the haydog has a shape that makes sure the knife arm can pass).  If you have a thick flake (=> haydog in his upper position) and on that moment you have to start the knotting cycle the "angle" will hit the haydog and breaks of the knife arm. 

H.Changes to the knotter stack

Past :  washer - bushing - washer between 2 knotter bodies.
Today : The knotter bodies are shifted 2 mm to the right, to avoid interference of the needles with the billhook pinion gear. 
Also the shim under the pinion gear disappeared

I.New knotter disengage mechanism

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